четверг, 24 ноября 2011 г.

Customs control

Customs controlDuty-free import of cigarettes - 400 pcs. Or cigars - 50., Or tobacco - 250 grams; alcoholic beverages - 2 bottles, food items and household items - within the limits of personal needs.The import of firearms, objects, imitating him, explosives, ammunition, written or printed materials or inhumane anti-state character, materials, photographs, engravings, lithographs, paintings, drawings and other images from pornographic and immoral nature; any drug (natural or artificial) and their components.The export of antiques, paintings, articles of gold, wood and ivory.The export of cigarettes - 200 pcs. or cigars - 50., or tobacco - 500 g alcohol - 0.95 l; imported into the country and purchased it in objects and things - in the range of personal needs.

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