вторник, 29 ноября 2011 г.


The island of Cebu, which is located g.Sebu - ancient capital of the Philippines (founded in 1565), attracted the attention of tourists a combination of rich history and beautiful resorts.
Cebu City, located on the island - the second in importance to the country's capital Manila and is 578 km away
The province of Cebu is famous for its beaches, tropical vegetation, an abundance of fruits, rattan furniture company, ukulele, jewelry made of semiprecious stones, articles made from coconut and a variety of local souvenirs. The wonderful climate allows the rest here throughout the year. In Cebu can do diving and snorkelling, scuba diving, windsurfing and sea fishing. or just walk on a yacht.
The Philippine island of Cebu - the cradle of Christianity.

In 1521, with its beaches of the island dropped his anchor great navigator Ferdinand Magellan. Trying to draw locals to Christianity, he was assassinated the leader of a neighboring island. In 1886, on the spot death of the famous Portuguese monument was erected.
Sightseeing / ExcursionsChurch of St. AugustineIt contains the oldest religious relic in the country - the icon of the Holy Infant Jesus, presented by Magellan to Queen Juana of Cebu for her conversion to Christianity. Approximately forty years later, when Spain continued colonization of the archipelago, one of the soldiers found the icon in a completely intact. Now the church is known as the Little Church of the Holy Child, in recognition of the fact that Cebu City - the cradle of Christianity in the East.The current Chinese temple (Taosit Temple)It is interesting not only a kind of traditional architecture and decoration, but the fact that on Friday before eleven o'clock you can ask the fate that was destined to come true whether your desires.Fort San PedroIts construction was started Legaspi in 1565. When completed in 1738, it served to protect the bastion of the Muslim pirates from the island Minandao

пятница, 25 ноября 2011 г.

Boracay Island

Boracay Island (Boracay) is considered one of the most beautiful islands in the world. Boracay is famous for its extraordinary white beaches with fine silky sand like flour, exotic tropical nature, natural caves, pristine emerald sea, in which dozens of live coral species, including the unique blue coral, populated with colorful tropical fish.
Boracay Island as the best island resort in the world and the best resort in South-East Asia.
Boracay is located in the central part of the Philippine archipelago (officially enjoy the southern part of Louzon), 315 km south of Manila and 2 kilometers from the northern tip of Panay island (Panay).
Boracay Island - a small, oblong, 7 km long and about 1 km in the middle. Area - just over 10 km2. The highest point - Mount Laho - about 100 m above sea level.

Features Boracay
The initial population of Boracay was dark-skinned tribe atm. Boracay became known only recently. His "discovered" independent tourists in the 1980s. and this piece of paradise has been gradually gaining popularity and is now considered almost the best place for a beach holiday in the Philippines.
Velvet white sand and clear waters gave him the title of one of the best beach resorts in the world, you can go to the Philippine shestiveselnoy boat or scuba diving (on the island for at least 12 diving centers). Right on the ocean settled a string of comfortable hotels. At Boracay You can visit the SPA-center and golf. Everywhere on the beach - restaurants with different cuisines and local specialties.
Boracay - the main "rave" island of the Philippines, the capital of night life. Along the local beach chetyrehkilometrovogo White Beach (White Beach) of fine white sand stretching promenade-promenade with bars, restaurants, disco clubs and souvenir shops. It's worth noting that White Beach - a common beach, and the most luxurious hotels are located at a distance from it in some lagoons.
Boracay on a wide range of souvenirs in the country.
At the beach Balabog (Bulabog Beach) is constant enough steady wind, so this place is actively used by windsurfers and especially kiting. Boracay is located on a lot of schools and kite surfing equipment rentals and equipment for the kiters.Things to Boracay
On Boracay has no ancient temples, nor any other was cultural or historical attractions, come here to enjoy nature, the most well known White Beach of Boracay. Tourists also visit the Dead Forest (ocean water flooded trees), cave bats, a museum of shells, the market Talipapa local souvenirs.Diving on Boracay Island
Boracay is great for tourists, combining diving with a beach holiday. Boracay dive centers organize dives in both local dive sites and divers to take out the surrounding islands.Beaches of Boracay
Boracay on two main beach, located on opposite sides of the islands most famous White Beach (born White Beach) and beach Balabog (Bulabog Beach).Getting to Boracay
The island of Panay to Manila flights flying local airlines, flight time - about 1 hour, transfer by boat to Boracay about half an hour.Beaches of Boracay
Despite the fact that the White Beach, is a hundred of the best beaches in the world, the atmosphere is calm there, but people are not so very much: you can always find a quiet corner (with the exception of April and May, when the Philippines school holidays). Directly next to the beach of coral there, but you can hire a boat to the nearest reef. Most dive centers are located in this resort on White Beach.
At the beach Balabog (Bulabog Beach), which is located on the opposite shore, constantly blowing steady wind, so this place is actively used by windsurfers and kite. There is also some schools kitesurfing, rental equipment and equipment for the kiters. The best time for surfing on the beach - November-April and in December-February, there is the large influx of athletes.

Entertainment, tours and attractions Boracay
Caves with bats, butterfly garden, numerous waterfalls, Bakhawan eco-park - a large mangrove forest. Private museum of seashells on the beach Ilig-Iligen. Museum of Gloria and Roberto Tirol - historical heritage and artistic treasures of China, is closely intertwined with the history of the island.
Snorkeling, diving, water skiing, windsurfing, beach volleyball, frisbee, rock climbing, tennis, golf, mini golf, horseback riding, bowling.
You can spend a day in the SPA-center, arrange a ride or sail off on the day of the national motor boat "bank" (~ 20 USD) and around the perimeter of the island, stopping at vending beaches and swimming and snorkelling in the places that recommend Captain.
Sightseeing tour of the island of Boracay (duration - 5 hours with lunch)
An unforgettable boat trip around Boracay with the ability to see the great diversity of Philippine coral, fish and other wonders of the underwater world while snorkelling. The tour includes visits to various beaches and islands surrounding Boracay, for example, the Crystal Cave (Crystal Cove) and the Cave of Bats (Bat Cave).
Boat Banana
Fun and gambling adventure - riding on an inflatable shell, boat or personal watercraft overclocked to a speed of 50 km / h, with the traditional dropping of passengers at sea.
Boating «paraw».
Boats «paraw» are constructed from natural materials on the image and likeness of Philippine Sailing boats that cut Philippine waters in the XIII century. In windy weather sailing on «paraw» - this opposition elements, and in calm weather is ideal for relaxed walks. It's the perfect kind of movement around the island.
Parasailing (a parachute flight, towed the boat)
Drifting in the air hundreds of feet above the ocean beneath the dome paraseyla (parachutes for parasailing) allows you to experience the inexpressible emotion of feeling of flight and enjoy breathtaking views of Boracay.
You can ride a banana behind watercraft, as you can and to himself. Should not be afraid to ride personal watercraft, even if this is the first trip - easy to operate personal watercraft and stops automatically in case of danger of falling rider.
Horseback «flying fish»
Riding at high speeds on a huge inflatable wing gidroaerodinamichnom for two or more people. It's exciting and great fun!

Diving in Boracay

Now the island has 12 dive centers that regularly dive safari in inaccessible places: the Sibuyan Sea, Tablas islands, Romblon and Semirara and the west coast Panayia and its neighboring reefs.
Famous dive sites, "crocodile island" (a set of coral, sea snakes are found two meters in length, a variety of tropical fish and rare blue gorgonians) Yapak wall (soft and fan corals, fish, surgeons, barracudas, gray, and white-tailed reef sharks, giant stingrays , hammer-head), Punta Bonga-2 (a lot of gorgonians and skate-iglohvostov, often barracudas and sharks) and Panay. The west coast is famous for some great Panaya dive sites: the walls and cliffs Buruanga, Cape Nasog, Black Rock and Dog Drift impressive huge variety of soft and hard corals.
The rock "Fraydiz» (Friday's Rock) like beginners because of minor depths from 7 to 20 m. It is a steep, overgrown with corals underwater rocky cliff at the foot of which extends flat sandy bottom, where there are tubular eels, stingrays, hvostokoly, moray eels, fish and family sobachkovyh, groupers, bluefish and a lot of butterfly fish.
Lobster Rock, is strongly indented crevices where and found shelter hundreds of lobsters. Also interesting is the island of Laurel (Laurel Island) with black and pink corals and diverse marine wildlife: sladkogubami, fish, butterflies, fish, bats, and perch.

четверг, 24 ноября 2011 г.

Customs control

Customs controlDuty-free import of cigarettes - 400 pcs. Or cigars - 50., Or tobacco - 250 grams; alcoholic beverages - 2 bottles, food items and household items - within the limits of personal needs.The import of firearms, objects, imitating him, explosives, ammunition, written or printed materials or inhumane anti-state character, materials, photographs, engravings, lithographs, paintings, drawings and other images from pornographic and immoral nature; any drug (natural or artificial) and their components.The export of antiques, paintings, articles of gold, wood and ivory.The export of cigarettes - 200 pcs. or cigars - 50., or tobacco - 500 g alcohol - 0.95 l; imported into the country and purchased it in objects and things - in the range of personal needs.


Magnificent Philippine cuisine! Where else in the world you can find delectable and tempting delicacies if not in the exotic country of Philippines. It is not surprising that Filipino cuisine is often called a little strange, but special, combining a unique blend of Eastern and Western cuisine. In the end, nearly 400 years under some influence, the Philippine cuisine - a fascinating blend of Malay, Spanish and Chinese cultures. To the Filipinos, food is very important because it is an integral part of local art and culture.In contrast to the surrounding Philippines Asian counterparts, who always use hot chili peppers for cooking their meals, Filipino cuisine is often presented as a mild and moderate. This made Filipino dishes more suitable for people with delicate and sensitive taste. As in other Asian countries, rice - their main dish, served with most variety of food. To the Filipinos, simple cooking means a variety of marine fish. They prefer their fish and other seafood such as crabs, shrimp and shellfish, which should be as fresh as possible. The freshness of the seafood is often supplemented with sauces and spices. In fact, seafood is served at its best when left uncooked, and served in the seasoning of vinegar, olive oil and spices, sometimes fried, sometimes filled with onions and wrapped in palm leaf.It's no secret that coconuts are used in the preparation of exotic Filipino dishes. Prigotavlivaya meat and vegetables with coconut milk, we get a dish that is guinatan. This dish comes from the Malay roots of Filipino cuisine. In addition, the coconuts are used to prepare mouth-watering desserts like bibingka (puddings made of rice, sugar and coconut milk, baked in the oven and top decorated with fresh, salted duck eggs) and macapuno (dessert jam).


Getting there: by plane through the city and the city of Manila, Cebu. There is air communication between o.Davao in Mindanao and Manado on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. The archipelago is laid only one w / d line from Manila to Naga in southern Luzon, so one of the main modes of transport in the archipelago are the buses. You can rent a car. International agencies have offices in most major cities. Local transport includes jeepneys, taxis, PU-CAB (small bus), tricycles (motorcycles with sidecars) and trishaw. Taxi: The fare is not high. It is better to carry loose change and coins as well as taxi drivers never have change. Make sure the driver knew exactly where you want to go.

Weather and Climate

Due to the geographic location on the planet, the climate of the Philippines called "tropical rainforest". The two main characteristics of this climate: high temperature and high relative humidity. Both the Philippines to stay all year round. Rainfall, in theory, can be expected every month of the year.Rainy season - from May to November, it is a consequence of the summer monsoon. The dry season runs under the influence of the so-called "Trade Winds" and lasts from December to April. As a rule, from November to February the weather is cool enough, while from March to May it is very hot. The most rainy days - from June to October, with typhoons, it is quite common at this time. Average rainfall in the lowlands up to 2030 mm.The third characteristic of climate Philippines - the presence of strong typhoons. Philippines are exposed to typhoons each year. Basically, there are typhoons between June and November.


Manila, LuzonManila, the capital of the Philippines, located on the north-east of Luzon on the shores of Manila Bay. The capital of the Philippines is a complex conglomerate that includes up to 17 cities in the satellites, which are home to nearly 10 million people. In the capital, you will be offered many tours that tell the history of this city and its environs.The heart of Manila is located in Intramuros (which means "within walls"), the wall enclosing once the first Spanish settlement. And Fort St. Augustine Church still are excellent examples of colonial architecture. Ancient ruins, destroyed during the First World War, still dominate the landscape, whereas modern buildings are already rushing to the distant heavens.Among the interesting places and attractions in Manila should be noted historic Rizal Park, Chinatown, where you can buy items made of gold and pearls. Sunset at Manila Bay - one of the most beautiful in the world. You can enjoy them while walking along the Boulevard Roxas.In an hour's drive along the picturesque countryside of Manila offers a beautiful view of the volcano Taal, which is known for being the smallest volcano in the world. In the church of San Jose to Las Pinyas (a suburb of Manila), you can see a unique organ, the pipes which are made of bamboo.You can also make a trip by canoe down the river Pagsanhan, during which enjoy the beauty of unspoiled nature.In addition, a number of Manila rapolagaetsya without interest museums. Among them, a museum of Santo Tomas, which contains exhibits on natural history and archeology, the National Museum, which includes sections devoted to anthropology, botany, geology, zoology, and art. While in Manila, you can visit the Japanese and Chinese gardens and the city planetarium.Manila - a paradise for shopping. Here are almost all known commercial brands at prices significantly lower than in Europe. The area is full of all sorts of Makati, shopping malls, where you can spend more than one day. And nearly every subway station is a shopping center.

Geography & Population

The Philippine Islands are located in the western Pacific Ocean and is part of the Malay Archipelago. The islands stretch from north to south from Taiwan to Borneo nearly 1850 miles. The nearest neighbors of the Philippines - Tayvan (north), East Malaysia and Brunei (southwest), Indonesia (south). The Philippines are located in more than 7107 islands, of which only 460 are larger than 2.5 square meters. km. The total area of ​​the country is 300 000 sq.km. Because the archipelago of volcanic origin and all mountainous, the Philippines, there are active volcanoes. The highest point in the country - the volcano Apo-Volcano (2954m). On larger islands, particularly in Luzon and Mindanao, there are vast plains.

Population - 81,159,614 people. (2000). Ethnic composition: 41% visayya, Tagals 21%, 7% of the Moro, Chinese 1.5%, other communities